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    Career Development Plan for Accountant

    University: University of Queensland

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 8 / Words 1969
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: CNA346
    • Downloads: 579
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions :

    • Develop the professional network plan for accountant.
    • Provide a Reflection on the experience of tailoring your CV. Highlight the aspect of your experience.
    Answer :


    Employability is being defined as the quality of being able to employ oneself at the job to have a professional career in life. It is very necessary for the person to have good employability skills to have good career in life. The employability includes different types of skill, knowledge and different attributes which are required to be inherited within the person (Artess, Mellors-Bourne and Hooley, 2017). The present report will outline the career development plan for the development of the career. The report will start by outlining the career goal and the target role and the requirement of the role which is based on the job advert. Further it will outline the gap which is there in the actual skills and the required skill for the dream job of accountant. Next the experience of tailoring the CV for the required role and building the professional network. In the end an action plan will be made in order to minimise the gap and the shortage of skills.


    Career Goal

    The career goal is to go in the accounting field because of the reason that this is an important and booming industry in the recent times. The accounting industry is the one under which all the accounts are maintained in order to ascertain the profit or the loss suffered by the company. In this world the companies can only survive if they earn good amount of profits and this is calculated by the accountant (Williams and, 2016). Thus, this is good career goal for developing a life in professional world. In 3 to 4 years i need to be promoted to the post of the senior accountant so that this builds the career in the field of the accounting industry. For long term plan I need to attend some of the seminars relating to the accounting so that the skills of the accounting can be enhanced and improvised. Thus, with the help of this advert I am more confident that I will be able to work for this job position as an accountant.

    Target Role

    The target role is to become a good and famous bookkeeper in the corporate world. This is majorly because of the fact that I am a newly qualified AAT that is Association of Accounting Technicians which is the world leading professional institute for the accounting technicians (Bozionelos and, 2016). This job advert attracted me to make my target role in accounting because both my interest and qualification were matching to this job advert. In the corporate world the competition is high and it is very necessary for the companies to maintain the profits and for this the most essential thing is the maintaining of the accounts and all the financial transaction. This is the most important role because of the reason that without the knowledge of accounting and it is very important for developing the career in accounting. This is my target role because of the reason that I have interacted with my peer members and colleagues and it was outlined that this is a growing industry and a career in this will be very successful (Bridgstock and Jackson, 2019). I visited a recruitment website and came across a job advertisement and that attracted me. This is majorly because of the reason that i am also interested in the accounting job and this advertisement is a very good career option.

    This job advert will fit my forte because of the fact that I am very good in assessing numerical information and recording of the transactions. Also, I am very good at use of computers along with the use of Microsoft excel, word and other accounting software. Also, this is my target role because of the fact that earlier I have been working as a sales assistant in a supermarket where I was involved in the recording of the stock and controlling its movement and the usage. With the help of this recording I became more efficient in the recording up of the transactions.

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    With the analysis of the requirement of this vacancy and the evaluation of the skills which I possess I came to know that I am lacking some of the skills. Also, I was employed as a sales assistant at a bakery shop but there I didn’t get much experience and I realised that I need to gain more of the knowledge relating to accounting so that this will enhance my CV for the job advert of accountant. This is majorly because of the reason that all my education and qualification are relating to accounting. But the work which I was doing was of the sales assistant. Thus, with the analysis of job advert I have to grab more knowledge relating to the accounting and the different principles of accounting and recording. With this analysis the gap which I found was that the theoretical knowledge which I was having was very different from the actual practical working. Thus, there was a vast deviation between what I learnt and what actually practices in the real-life world (Taylor, 2016).

    Thus, I need to rectify this and need to work up on this so that i can have a good career in the corporate world. Also, with this help I found that the business environment is very dynamic and keeps on changing very frequently and because of this there are many new updataions within the principles of accounting. Thus, I need to work on this and need to be very attentive and alert. Also, at time of graduation what I learnt was different as compared to the current trends going on in the market. This is majorly because of the reason that there have been many changes within the principles and conventions of accounting and these needs to be considered as the older concepts are not applicable in the current time.


    With the difference in the past time that is the time of study and the actual or present time there is a huge difference and this needs to be taken care (Clarke, 2018). This is majorly because of the reason that because of these changes I need to develop many of the new skills and information relating to this field. Thus, because of this I need to tailor or alter my CV in accordance with the requirement of the job advert. This is majorly because of the reason that there have been many changes and these need to be adopted and added in to the CV (Guilbert and Rossier, 2016). This is necessary because of the reason that CV is provided to the employers first and this CV is the first impression which is created on the employers. If they like the CV then I will be called for the interview for the job. Thus, it is very necessary for the reason that this CV will be provided as a description for my career.

    Building of professional network

    Thus, for developing my skills and knowledge I need to increase my area of interaction that is the people with whom I meet and interact. Thus, for meeting the requirement of the job advert it is very necessary for me to establish good networking. This networking will help me in establishing strong relation with the people who are much experienced and knowledgeable in the field of accounting. This is very necessary because of the reason that a person learns more from the environment in which they live rather than by studying.

    Thus, if in my environment there will be more of the good people who are having more knowledge relating to the field of accounting and related concepts. Hence for this I will live more with senior accountants and more experienced people in the field of accounting. Also, I need to attend some seminars and online forums and lectures to upgrade my knowledge and information base relating to the field of accounting. Hence, it is very crucial for me to build good and professional network so that this will help me in developing my knowledge and information.

    Action Plan

    Thus, from the above discussion it is clear that it is very necessary for me to develop the knowledge of latest changes in the field of accounting for getting the job of which the advertisement I liked and dreamt of. This is majorly because of the reason that this will enhance my employability skill in the field of accounting. Also, some actions need to be taken because of the reason that since my graduation many things have been changed and these changes need to taken into consideration for my personal development (Sin and Neave, 2016). Hence, for this the following step will be taken in order to improve my skills-

    What I am going to do

    When I will do it

    What challenges I might face

    How I could overcome these

    Research of new and advanced ways of accounting

    In the current time as there is many of the changes since I have completed my graduation.

    The major challenge which i might face is the cost of researching for the new and advanced changes. This is majorly because of the reason that for learning the new changes i need to learn those new changes. For this i need to join some classes or even have to attend some seminars.

    This challenge can be overcome with help of internet. This is pertaining to the fact that with help of internet i can easily access the new and advance changes taking in the field of accounting and related industries.

    Time management

    This need to be adapted as fast as it can be done.

    The major challenge which i will face is the challenge at time of planning of the work.

    This need to be overcome and can be done with help of making a list of all the activities which need to be included in the planning. This is majorly pertaining to the fact that this will assist in making the list of important activities. From the list whichever activities are of priority are taken first and rest of the activities later.


    In the end it is concluded that having employability is the most essential part in the professional world and career. Thus, it is the duty of the person to take care of all the skills which are required for maintaining employability at work. The present report outlined the fact that setting career goals and targeting some industry is the most essential thing for a person. Further some gapes were identified and discussed in the report. In the end some of the ways of overcoming these gaps was highlighted.

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